Snowman Story
Streaming Guideline

We're delighted to see people streaming "Snowman Story", You can stream any part of this game. However, we'd like to set a few guidelines. When streaming our game, kindly include the URL to our website. If you're unable to do so for any reason, please make an effort to mention where viewers can purchase the game. Your support is greatly appreciated!

Official Website|

Don't do THIS

  • Illegal stuff, such as copyright infringement
  • Please add values! DON'T just show the game playthrough without any voice over or editing.
  • Please play the game on legally obtained build. No piracy please
  • Don't claim that you are an official streamer of Odencat.

We might add, remove, change contents of this guideline anytime. Please be informed.

Assets which can be useful for streaming Back to the original page